Oral Health 101
If the eyes are the window to the soul, than the mouth is the window to overall health.
Think about it, your teeth, gums & tongue are exposed to many substances. Food, drinks, and, if you're lucky, other fluids & goodies.
The quality of these substances combined with oral hygiene have a hugely significant impact on the structure & biodiversity of your oral microbiome.
That's right, we don't just have a gut microbiome. There is the oral microbiome, dermal (skin) microbiome and vaginal microbiome to name a few.
Like the gut microbiome, the health and strength of your oral microbiome has a systemic impact on your overall health. Good oral hygiene can be preventative against chronic conditions. In fact, the same plaque that can build up on and in-between teeth has been linked to CVD, atherosclerosis, and stroke.
My top oral (hygiene) tips are:
🦷 Brush twice a day – I use a soft bristled brush to protect my enamel, and one with a tongue scraper. Brushing and scraping disrupts the build-up of harmful plaque and bacteria. I also use the Grants natural, fluoride-free tooth paste as fluoride can kill beneficial bacteria in the mouth & gut
🦷 Floss once a day – I used to use a charcoal floss to avoid the coating on regular floss, but it wasn’t as effective. Pick your battles!
🦷NO MOUTHWASH - it will ruin your enamel and kill off good bacteria in both your mouth & gut
🦷 Use a straw – if you’re having sparkling or acidic drinks (e.g., kombucha, soda water, lemon juice & hot water in the morning), use a straw so the liquid bypasses your teeth and doesn’t touch the enamel
🦷 Avoid/reduce sugar – bacteria LOVE to munch in sugar, so they will eat the sugar that can stick to teeth and gums causing decay
🦷 Find a good holistic dentist – WTF is that?! A holistic dentist views your oral health and jaw structure as part of your overall health, not in insolation. E.g., open mouth breathing & snoring while asleep can reduce oxygen getting to your brain (that’s an issue!)
I go to the Sydney Holistic Dental Centre. They are EPIC! I get an oral cancer check-up & clean every six months.